Christmas Cards Using Recycled Materials

Creating Christmas cards doesn’t have to be expensive or complicated. It is possible to make cards in a simple and ecological way!
And here are some Christmas cards made from construction paper, paint, newspaper, an old Christmas card, a cardboard box, raffia, and a button:
We are going to make Christmas cards recycling and reusing materials that we can find around the house. During next week, take a box and throw in anything that can be useful: paper scraps, fabric scraps, food packaging, envelopes, calendars, old Christmas cards, advertisement leaflets, magazines, newspapers and so on. Be creative!

What to use for the card part of the card:

  • Paper supermarket bags
  • Used file folders
  • Thin boxes (such as cereal boxes, some mailing boxes, thick envelopes)
  • Construction paper

What to use to decorate the card:

Look around your house and you will find some useful materials hiding in there!
  • Scrap paper
  • Scrap fabric
  • Old clothing that can be cut up
  • Wool
  • Buttons (we all have a collection of them somewhere!)
  • Magazines and newspapers – cut shapes from colourful pages. Cut strips and glue onto card or cardboard for background.
Information adapted from:
Here is a video with more ideas. Be creative!!!

You have to create a Christmas card to send to a classmate. You must include:
  1. The card decorated using recycled materials.
  2. A Christmas message
  3. Write the sender and receiver’s address on an envelope in Spanish. Put an envelope and send it to your classmate.

Creating and sending card with a Christmas wish is the ideal way to share your feelings and happiness with a classmate. Here are some beautiful wishes you can use for your card.
  1. May this time bring a lot of joy and happiness in your life!
  2. You are special, you are unique; may your Christmas be also as special and unique as you are! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
  3. Here’s wishing you all the joys of the season. Wish you and your family a Merry Christmas!
  4. May joy and happiness snow on you, may the bells jingle for you and may Santa be extra good to you! Merry Christmas!
  5. Love, Peace and Joy came down on earth on Christmas day to make you happy. May Christmas spread happiness in your lives!
  6. May all your days be merry and bright and may your Christmas be white!
  7. May your world be filled with warmth and good cheer this Holy season, and throughout the year! Wish your Christmas be filled with peace and love.
  8. May the peace and joy of Christmas live in your heart all year long.
  9. May the good times and treasures of the present become the golden memories of tomorrow. Wishing you lots of love, joy and happiness. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
  10. Happiness– May your life be filled with joy and happiness and may each new day bring you moments to cherish.
  11. Love– On this joyous day, and throughout the new year, may your life be filled with an abundance of love.
  12. Fulfillment–Merry Christmas and may you live a long and happy life filled with goodwill and friendship.
  13. Peace– May this new year bring you peace and tranquility, and as you walk your path may it bring you contentment.
  14. Prosperity–On this joyous day, and throughout the coming year, may your life be filled with good luck and prosperity.
  15. Friendship–On this holiday, I hope you know how much I value your friendship and how much it has added to my life. I wish you a very merry Christmas and may we enjoy many more years together as friends.
  16. Joy of Giving– May your heart be filled with the joy of giving, as it is the expression of the love in your heart and the kindness in your soul.Blessings–May the light of love shine upon you, and may your life be filled with blessings in this Christmas season.
  17. Kindness–On this most blessed day, I wish you love for all your kindness, and I hope the new year will bring you many days of happiness.
  18. Merry Christmas, and may this new year bring you joy and laughter. To be happy is the greatest wish in life.
  19. A Christmas candle is a lovely thing; It makes no noise at all, But softly gives itself away; While quite unselfish, it grows small.
  20. A little smile, A word of cheer, A bit of love from someone near A little gift from one held dear, Best wishes for the coming year, These make a Merry Christmas!
  21. A lovely thing about Christmas is that it’s compulsory, like a thunderstorm, and we all go through it together.
  22. A silent night, a star above, a blessed gift of hope and love.A blessed Christmas to you!
  23. A star has come to earth! Spread the Christmas love and cheer! Merry Christmas!
  24. Bells ring and we sing. May you get all the happiness that Christmas brings! Wishing you and your family a very Happy Christmas and a wonderful New Year.
  25. Don’t measure the height of your Christmas tree. Measure the abundance of the love present in your heart!
  26. Each moment in a day has its own value. Morning brings Hope, Afternoon brings Faith. Evening brings Love, Night brings Rest. Hope you will all of them every day. Happy Christmas and New Year! Faith makes all things possible, Hope makes all things work, Love makes all things beautiful, May you have all the three for this Christmas.
  27. For a fresh and bright New Year. Here’s wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
  28. Ho! Ho! Ho! It’s Christmas time! May love, success, luck and friendship come knocking at your door throughout this Christmas season. Have a wonderful Christmas.
  29. I am dreaming of white Christmas, with every Christmas card I write, May your days be Merry and bright, and May all your Christmases be white. Merry Christmas.
  30. We hope life treats you kind, and we hope you have all you ever dream of, we wish you joy, happiness, peace and prosperity but above all this we wish you love this Christmas.
  31. Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way, May you be blessed this Christmas with peace and love all day! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
  32. Wouldn’t life be worth the living; Wouldn’t dreams be coming true; If we kept the Christmas spirit; All the whole year through?
  33. May love be in your life. May hope be in your heart. May peace be in our world.
  34. May peace, love and prosperity follow you always.
  35. May Santa Claus grant you all that you wish for this Christmas. Here’s wishing you and all your loved ones a very Happy and Joyous Christmas.
  36. May the spirit of Christmas bring you peace. The gladness of Christmas give you hope. And The warmth of Christmas grant you love. Happy Christmas.
  37. May this Christmas bring your way plenty of reasons to smile. May this Christmas burn away all your sadness and bury the tears so that your life is perpetually filled with happiness and joy.
  38. May this Christmas turn out to be better that you ever expected. Merry Christmas to you. Go out and spread the joy!
  39. May this year be more promising than the year before! Spread the happiness all around you! It’s Christmas! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your family!
  40. May you and your family cherish the wonderful memories, of love, care and hope. May you live life in joy and peace. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.
  41. May you find more smiles on your face this Christmas than ever before! Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Make it grand!
  42. May your Christmas sparkle with moments of love, laughter and goodwill. And may the year ahead be full of contentment and joy. Have a Merry Christmas.
  43. May your hearts be filled with peace and faith in God. May your days of doubt be replaced with days of hope and cheer. May you and your family get nurtured with lots of love! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and to your loved ones!
  44. My special wishes to you and to all those to are close to you. May you have a Christmas that is more special than it has ever been.
  45. Peace on earth will come to stay. When we live Christmas every day.
  46. Spread the warmth of the Christmas season to all those around you and make this world a beautiful place to live in.
  47. The best gifts in life will never be found under a Christmas tree, those gifts are friends, family, children and the one you love.
  48. This Christmas may all that you ever dreamt of, turn into reality. Merry Christmas to you my dear and followed by a Happy New Year.
  49. This Christmas may Santa Claus get you lots and lots of gifts. May all those gifts be just want you always wanted.
  50. May all your wishes, dreams and desires come true this Christmas.

Teacher Invaders!

Here is a nice language activity to review the use of the present simple tense. Fight the teacher invaders and fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb in the present simple (weird, uh?)

You can access the game here

Verbs and Nouns Stress Patterns

Here is an interesting web about the differences in intonation between verbs and nouns. This is a different rule from monosilabical nouns and verbs, but you also have to know!

Put in order: present perfect

A simple game to learn about the present perfect. Just click Here!

Healthy Food!

Here, we learn about the different food groups and how they can help you to grow stronger. Can you give us examples of some of them?

Click here to start!

CLIL Advertisement Project

Here we post a summary of our next CLIL Project; Advertisement and Bullying.


-Create an advertiement in groups against Bullying in Secondary School
-Use the English Language as a vehicle for communication in an audiovisual media

- 1st  Organize groups to create your filming crew. You should work in groups of four. All of you must cooperate and take a part on the video
- 2nd Create a simple script of your project
- 2nd Create a Storyboard. A storyboard is a draft of your video where you mix script and image. In this way, we can get an idea about how your video will be.
- 3rd Think of an interesting slogan for your video
- 4thThen, record your video, you can use  Windows Movie Maker for this
- 5th Summit your video to the teacher

- You can use any format you like, but all of you have to speak in English, whether if you appear on camera or you don't. You have to take a role.

Assessment of the task will be processed through the following rubric. Here you will take an individual and group mark


Here are some example videos that you can use to get inspiration

Music Videos:




Music videos


-November the 28th: Slogan and Storyboard
-December the 5th: Final Date to handle your video presentation

Listening. A matter of taste

Here is a small listening exercise for pre intermediate students. Interesting as we are now learning to talk about our tastes. Just follow this link:


My Web mix de Symbaloo

Symbaloo es una herramienta muy interesante que nos permite, de una manera muy clara y sencilla, crear paneles de apps con nuestros enlaces prefereridos, agrupándolos por categorías. Para poder probar un poco esta herramienta, he creado un webmix muy simple con 10 herramientas que me resultan interesantes para los profesores involucrados en programas CLIL
-El repositorio AGREGA de la Junta de Andalucia, en donde podréis encontrar un montón de actividades diferentes para bachillerato, así como actividades de la asignatura de inglés, una herramienta genial para crear presentaciones amenas y divertidas, ideales para introducir un nuevo tema o crear un resumen visual de algún proyecto.
- La suite de juegos FLASH de la NASA, que son útiles para temas específicos de ciencia, y muy visuales, aunque un poco complicados para alumnos muy pequeños.
 -The Children University of Manchester, que tiene muchas actividades divertidas tanto de inglés como de ciencias, intuitivas y muy sencillas.
-La página del British Council: un clásico que no puede faltar para llenar tiempos muertos con actividades divertidas en inglés, para jugar solo o en grupos.
-La página de eurovisión: que puede parecer absurdo, pero es un modo de estimular a los alumnos a conocer otras lenguas extranjeras además del inglés, y también a interesarse un poco por Europa, que a veces dejamos de lado en nuestras clases.
-EL Rhyming Dictionary: un diccionario un poco simple pero útil en los proyectos de poesía, por si en algún momento nos preguntan una rima en inglés y no estamos seguros.
-Linguee: esta herramienta la recomendaría yo en ciclo formativo o formación profesional, ya que podemos buscar textos técnicos de distinto tipo y comparar la terminología y la tipología textual en español y en inglés. Esta compuesto de un corpus bastante extenso de textos jurídicos, periodísticos y técnicos. También es muy útil para traducir.
-IATE: de unevo una herramienta para usuarios avanzados. Es simplemente un diccionario terminológico multilingüe, creado por el cuerpo de traductores de la UE.
-ESL Games: de nuevo, una página típica de juegos en inglés para repasar vocabulario muy sencillo, recomendable para primaria, primeros cursos de la ESO y alumnos que necesiten un refuerzo.

Podéis ver mi panel de Symbaloo aquí! Espero que os resulte útil

Diario AICLE. Entrada 2

En esta segunda entrada nos paramos a reflexionar sobre algunos aspectos clave de la enseñanza del idioma basada en contenidos. De entre todo lo que se podría decir sobre esta metodología tan ampliamente estudiada, me gustaría resaltar los siguientes aspectos:
--La secuenciación debe ser minuciosa, de menos a mal, pero siempre teniendo en cuenta el producto final; ya sea un texto escrito perteneciente a alguna de las tipologías textuales, o una práctica oral.
- Los recursos deben ser variados, y no circunscribirlos a un solo ámbito. lo ideal, como en muchos otros casos,  es una combinación de los medios tradicionales y de nueva generación.

- La innovación debe alcanzar también el trabajo cooperativo entre profesores de distinta especialidad. No se entiende el CLIL sin coordinación y comunicación entre los docentes de áreas distintas. A veces resulta más interesante y provechoso para nuestros alumnos realizar un solo proyecto conjunto (de inglés y ciencias naturales, por ejemplo) que varios proyectos de una sola asignatura, ya que el alcance de las posibilidades de un solo docente en un proyecto global como el CLIL es muy limitado.

- Por último, será necesario tener una mente abierta a nuevas formas de trabajar, y saber ser crítico, sobre todo con uno mismo. No hay que tener miedo de presentar nuestro trabajo a los demás y preguntarles como podemos mejorar.

This is Liverpool!

Here I post an introductory video featuring Liverpool, the topic of our next Reading assignment. Watch the video before reading the text so you make sure what we are talking about

Oral Presentation Sample: My Dream City

Here I post a nice presentation template that I prepared for my students. It's intended to be used as a model to a "present your favourite city" kind of activity

Past simple vs Past Continuous

Here are more exercises to work the difference between these two tenses with our students

-Exercise 1

-Exercise 2

-Exercise 3

Buildings Review Quiz

A small quiz to make our students in 4º ESO to remember the urban landscpape better

Adjective Detective

This is an interesting game to review all different forms of the adjectives, and how do they work on the sentence. Just click here to go to the game

Describe your own superhero

A very interesting game to help you with physical descruptions through the creation of a Marvel Comics Superhero. Enjoy!

Diario de Curso AICE, Entrada Inicial

Los profesores debemos de estar aprendiendo constantemente, tanto por nosotros mismos como por nuestros alumnos, y ahora mismo me encuentro realizando un curso sobre el aprendizaje por contenidos. Me inscribí en él con la esperanza de poder aprender más sobre este enfoque metodológico, y creo que lo más importante que nos puede enseñar es algo que ya sospechábamos: la importancia de la comunicación.

La comunicación es la forma más esencial de progreso humano, y por ello debemos llevarla a cabo a todos los ámbitos del aula, tanto para conocer las inquietudes de nuestros alumnos como para coordinar adecuadamente nuestro trabajo. Debemos renunciar cada vez más a la idea de nuestras asignaturas como compartimentos estancos en donde cada clase es una isla.

Esta entrada no tiene un propósito específico en la asignatura de inglés, sino que debe servir como una pequeña síntesis para todos aquellos que empezamos a trabajar bajo el enfoque CLIL (Content and Skills Integrated Learning). Cultura, conocimiento y lenguaje deben ir de la mano, y eso es lo que precisamente intenta este enfoque metodológico. La lengua no es un fin en si mismo, sino un vehiculo de comunicación

Para empezar con las actividades que requiere este curso, dejaré mi primera presentación, con 3 cosas que considero importantes sobre mi. Enjoy!

Parts of the body

Here you have a small memory game to review parts of the body. have fun!

Urban Landscapes

A musical tour around cities from all over the world. Do you know any of them? Which one would you like to visit?

The Urban Landscape by Slidely Slideshow

Unit 1 Super Review

Here we go with a general review of Unit 1. Are you ready?

1. Clothes Vocabulary in a nutshell

2. Present simple and present continuous

Present simple vs present continuous ppt from katherlabra

3. Differences between adjectives ending in -ed and -ing

Ed and -ing from ihsan

4. Phisical appearance vocabulary exercises

September the 26th, day of European Languages

On Friday the 26th we celebrate the international day of European Language. For this reason, we want to propose you the following activities

First, watch this video about the event

Activity 2
Click on the map of Europe and learn about the languages spoken in our continent

Activity 3: Answer the questions
1, What language do French or Spanish descend from?
2. Which family do they belong to?
3. Which two languages belong to the Germanic family?
4. Which family do Russian, Polish and Czech belong to?
5. Which family do Irish, Scots Gaelic and Welsh belong to? 
6. Where is Basque spoken?

Language World Map

Here you can find an interesting activity about the different languages around the world. Click in the different countries to hear the language. Do you hear any similarities between them?

Describing personality

In this exercise there are some words related to describing personality that you have to know. Check the exercise and copy down the new words on your notebook.

Pronunciation: Long vowel ɔ:

Here is a second video about this vowel sound so common in English. make sure you understand it properly, as it is a very common sound. Repeat after each example word in the video

Pronunciation: the schwa sound

The schwa sound is one of the most common sound in English, and we have to make sure that we all know it propoerly. Take a look at this video and practise with the different words the teacher uses as examples

More about hobbies!

In this exercise you can find more interesting hobbies. Do you know any of them? Use a dictionary such as word reference to look for the meaning. Then write complete sentences in your notebook.

Rhyme Dictionary. Rhyme Zone

Rhyme Zone is an interesting resource to make your own rhymes and to look for synonyms. Just click on the image to access the site

Merriam Webster. Monolingual Dictionary

Here you can access the Monolingual Dictionary Merriam-Webster. It's interesting to listen to the pronunciation of the different words. Just click on the image to go to the site

Bilingual Dictionary: Word Reference

Hello Students! In case you don't know, I let you here a direct link to Wordreference, the best bilingual dictionary on the web. make sure to check it whenever you have a problem with a word you don't know.

Extension Printables. Unit 14

Here you can download the Extension Sheets for Unit 14

Extension Printables. Unit 13

Here you can download the Extension sheets for Unit 13

Extension Printables. Unit 12

Here you can download the Extension Printables for Unit 12

Extension Printables. Unit 11

Here you can download the Extension Sheets for Unit 11

Extension Printables. Unit 10

Here you can download the Extensin Sheets for Unit 10

Extension Printables. Unit 9

Here you can download the Extension Sheet for Unit 9

Extension Printables. Unit 8

Here you can download the Extension Sheet for Unit 8

Extension Printables. Unit 7

Here you can download the Extension Sheet for Unit 7

Extension Printables. Unit 6

Here you can download the Extension Sheet for Unit 6

Extension Printables. Unit 5

Here you can download the Extension Sheet for Unit 5

Extension Printables. Unit 4

Here you can download the Extension Sheet for Unit 4

Extension Printables. Unit 3

Here you can download the Extension Sheet for Unit 3

Extension Printables. Unit 2

HEre you can download the Extension Sheet for Unit 2

Extension Printables. Unit 1

Here you can find the Extension Sheet for Unit 1

Reinforcement Printables. Unit 14

Here you can download the Reinforcement Sheet of Unit 14

Reinforcement Printables. Unit 13

Here you can download the Reinforcement Sheet for Unit 13

Reinforcement Printables. Unit 12

Here you can download the Reinforcement Sheet for Unit 12

Reinforcement Printables. Unit 11

Here you can download the Reinforcement Sheet for Unit 11

Reinforcement Printables. Unit 10

Here you can download the Reinforcement Printables for Unit 10

Reinforcement Printables. Unit 9

Here you can download the Reinforcement Printables for Unit 9

Reinforcement Printables. Unit 8

Here you can download the Reinforcement Sheet for Unit 8

Reinforcement Printables. Unit 7

here you can download the Reinforcement Sheet for Unit 7

Reinforcement Printables. Unit 6

Here you can download the Reinforcement Sheet for Unit 6

Reinforcement Printables. Unit 5

Here you can download the Reinforcement Sheet for Unit 5

Reinforcement Printables. Unit 4

Here you can download the Reinforcement Sheet for Unit 4

Reinforcement Printables. Unit 3

Here you have the Reinforcement Sheet for Unit 3

Reinforcement Printables. Unit 2

Here you have the Reinforcement Sheet for Unit 2

Reinforcement Printables Unit 1

Here you can download the Reinforcement Sheets for Unit 1

Hangman Game

Here's a link to The Hangman game. Just click to start playing

Food Review Game

Can you find all the vocabulary items on the list?

Memory game: Farm Animals

Here you have a quick game to review farm animals. Just click on the image to play

Memory Games: Action Verbs

Here is a little memory game to review some basic action verbs

Expressions with Do & Make

Dear Students,

Here I post a video about different expressions with "do" and "make". It's quite long, so I recommend you to watch it carefully and take notes.

Have Fun!

Going to & Will

Dear Students,

This is a very interesting video to review the differences between the future forms of  going to and will.

Have Fun!

Comparatives and Superlatives

Dear Students,

In this videoyou have more examples about the use of comparatives and superlatives in class.

Have fun!

Past Simple Video Lesson

Dear Students,

Here you have the video explanation of the Past Simple. Listen carefully and bring your questions to class, as always.

Have fun!

Present Simple vs Present Continuous. Part 2

Dear Students,

Here is the second part of the differences between present simple and present continuous. It includes the differences between stative and dynamic verbs.

Have fun!

Present Simple vs Present Continuous. Part 1

Dear Students,

In this video we learn more about the differences between present continuou and present simple. Use it to study at home and remember to bring your questions to class.

Have fun!

Present Continuous Video Review

Dear Students,

Here I post an interesting video from English Grammar in Use about the Present Continuous. Remember to raise any questions you may have.

Present Simple Video Review

Dear Students,

Here you have an interesting video about the present simple. it is fairly clear so it can help you review this easy grammar topic.

Language Arts Games

Dear Students,

Here you can find the different games that we use to work in the interactive whiteboard. You can also use them in your computer in case you need to review some aspect.
In case you want to play any other game, feel free to browse around the web and bring your questions to class

American Museum of Natural History Image Database

Dear Students

Here you can access to the huge image gallery of the American Museum of Natural History. We will use these images in class to work with the interactive whiteboard


Padlet Interactive Wall Homepage

Dear Students

Since we sometimes use Padlet to build some of our class walls, I leave the link right here. You don't need to register, just access and start working

Read & Write in English

Dear Students,

Here are some interesting activities that you can do to to review in the computer room or at home.
Remember to note down in your notebook all things that you don't understand.


Going To Future

Dear Students,

Here you have additional exercises to review this special form of future tense

Have fun!

Future Tense Exercises (will)

Dear Students

In these exercises you can practice more about affirmative statements using will


Prepositions of place

Dear Students,

here you have more exercises to practice prepositions of place. Note down those examples that you don't understand


Comparatives and superlatives Exercises

Dear Students

Here you have more online activities about the different comparative forms


Past Simple Activities

Dear Students,

Here you have additional resources to work on the past simple


Differences between must and mustn't

Dear Students,

Here you have additional exercises about the differences between must and mustn't. This topic is very important so make sure to understand all differences


Can & Must Exercises

Dear Students

Here you have additional exercises to work with these two verbs. Remember to raise any question you may have.

Like, Love & hate

Dear students,

Here you have an example activity for this topic. Remember to raise any questions you may have. Enjoy!

There is & There are activities

Dear Students,

Here you have an example of activities with There is and There are


Present Continuous Activities

Dear Students,

Here you have some examples of activities using the present continuous. Remember to note down in your notebook all examples that are difficult for you and comment them in class.

Present Simple review

Dear Students

Here are some example activities to review the present simple tense. Remenber the spelling rules about the third person singular. Enjoy!