Christmas Adverts

What is your favourite Christmas video and why? Write your answer on the comments section!

Reading Strategies


Divide the class into groups. Each group must have the following roles:

PRESENTER- This person will present the work of the group in class

TIME KEEPER- Ensures that everyone is on task

LEADER- Ensures everyone has made a good work and helps resolve disputes

RECORDER- Write down everyone's ideas and work

ENCOURAGER - This person animates everyone to do a good job


These videos will introdduce the topic you'll have to talk about

go to pages 33 and 37 and perform the following 


1. Complete the anticipation guide. Write 5 statements about the text BEFORE reading it. Complete the following chart with your partners

2. Create a concept chart WHILE YOU READ with the concepts presented in the text, such as this

3. Paragraph shrinking. Write down the following information about each paragraph AFTER YOU READ

- Who?, What?

-Most important idea

4. Answer comprehension questions in pages 33 and 37

Class Project. Billboard Chart


The purpose of this project is to make a blog comment about your favourite songs on the UK Billboard List


1. Go to the UK Billboard List

2. Listen to Extracts of the Top Ten

3. Write a comment in this post. Your comment must include the following information

- Your favourite top 3 songs

- Why do you prefer these songs

- Copy and transate the chorus of your favourite song


Friday the 23th of December

Radioactive T.E.A.M. Session 5

Today we will have three different tasks.
Task 1: Visit the page TEAM UP. Check if your national group is included in the table. Choose a topic if you have not done so yet and go to forum#2 to send your partners a message telling them that you want to collaborate with them.
Task 2: Once you have your topic, go to the page created for your team in the section EDITORIAL MEETING and brainstorm ideas about what you want to speak about.
Task 3: You will write a collaborative story about a Christmas elf that got lost. Describe what Christmas is celebrated in our country. Write about the sights, smells and sounds. You can contribute to this story during this week until the 5th December included. YOUR PARTICIPATION IN THIS STORY WILL GIVE YOU EXTRA POINTS IN THE FINAL MARKS!!!!

Class Project: Animal Comics


In this project. You will create a comic about an endangered animal. You can perform this project alone or in pairs.


1. Go to the website code activation page

2. Enter the code given by the teacher in class

3. Write your name and password. (Remember to use your real name for assessment)

4. Complete your avatar

5. Perform the task "Endangered Animals" in a full page comic.


You must deliver this topic before Friday the 23th of December


Your task will be assessed using the following Rubric

Radioactive TEAM Session 5

In this Session, we start Teaming up to create our articles

Task 1. Go to Forum 2 and choose one of the topics proposed by your international partners. Stick to those articles who have already members. Don't propose new topics.

Task 2. Christmas Story. In this Holiday task your national group will have to write and record an audio about a elf who travels to your region in Spain. What will he do? This is a creative and compulsory exercise!

Present Perfect Review

Present Perfect Theory Presentation

Present Perfect Tense de IES Rosario de Acuña

Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous and Past Simple

RadioActive TEAM Session 4

On this session, you will go participate in the two forums created so far.
Task 1: Visit the guided tours and make a comment in Forum#1. Thank your partners on their comments about our city and neighbourhood.
Task 2: Go to forum#2 to choose a topic for your radio programme. You can join another group or make a new proposal.
Here are the possible radio programme formats and topics:
  • Interview
  • Discussion
  • Drama
  • Reports
  • Talk shows or chat shows
  • Reviews
  • Documentary
  • Comedy
  • Refugees
  • Terrorism in the world
  • Human trafficking
  • Immigration: Spanish people around the world, French people around the world, etc.
  • Responsible consumption
  • Euthanasia
  • Violence in the media
  • Gender violence
  • Politics: compulsory voting, referendums, Brexit, USA elections, the future of Europe
  • Art: street artists, reasons for graffiti, art exhibitions
  • Ethics in sports
  • Inspirational stories of teenagers: inventors, talented children, etc.
  • Volunteering: make a difference
  • New technologies: impact of new technologies on teenagers, privacy on social media, transformation of language due to new technologies: email, WhatsApp and Twitter, Trending topics on Twitter
  • Laws on environmental issues: plastic bags
  • Subjects and methodology taught in the different schools
  • Role models
  • Dream job interviews
  • When I grow up, I want to be …
  • Future jobs
  • Teenagers’ self image
  • Healthy and fitness: eating disorders, anxiety, depression, beauty tips
  • Cringe: the most embarrassing moment
  • Reviews: new films, new video games, books
  • Family: are teenagers more independent?
  • Education: are schools teaching students for the future?, bullying
  • Creative writing: collaborative story told from different points of view, culture or places
  • Fashion using recycled materials, fashion affecting our environment
  • Animals in sports and entertainment
  • Environment: sustainable development and green cities, climate change and COP21
  • Music: street musicians, committed songs, music festivals
  • Travelling abroad

RadioActive TEAM Session 3

In this session you will create a logo that identifies our project and vote for your favourite image adding arguments.
Task 1: Create a logo that identifies our project. Include the name of our project and an image related to the radio, team work, communication, etc.
Use this website to create your logo: 
Task 2: Upload your logo to this digital board adding a name and a description explaining the meaning of your creation.
Task 3: Vote for your favourite images on the Tricider board explaining why you like your choice.

RadioActive TEAM Session 2

In this session you will work on Break the Ice! page on the Twinspace.
Task 1: Read the introductions of your partners. You can send them a message on Forum 1.
Task 2: On this digital board, write an introduction of your national group including an image of the members. Write about the interests and hobbies you share, your abilities and the expectations you have about this project.

RadioActive TEAM Session 1

We start a new eTwinning project this year: RadioActive T.E.A.M. (The European Audio Magazine).
Click here to go to the Twinspace.
Student-journalists from various European countries share their perceptions of international news, interact and collaborate in international teams for a school year. They express themselves through a variety of media: they participate in a school web-radio channel including a selection of programmes designed by the teams – composing their theme music, writing radio scripts and editing radio podcasts about topics related to their interests and global issues. They also collaborate to create and publish an e-magazine presenting current events from their perspective. Each international team will create a 10-15 minutes programme about a topic in common. The national groups will have to work on the topic choose a different format: interview, documentary, drama, talk show, etc.
The tasks for October and November are:
  1. Break the ice!
    • Personal profile: Complete the personal profile with information about your age, school, nationality and interests.
    • Group presentation: introduce your national group in this padlet writing about your interests in common and about what you expect in this project.
  2. Guided tour: Visit the other partners’ guided tours and complete the quiz.
  3. Forum#1: React to your partners’ presentations and guided tours in the forum#1
  4. Forum#2: Think about a topic for your radio programme and visit forum#2 to join another group or make a new proposal.
This project will be the 20% of your final marks in English. You will evaluated in these tasks:
  • Interview
  • Discussion
  • Drama
  • Reports
  • Talk shows or chat shows
  • Reviews
  • Documentary
  • Comedy
  • Refugees
  • Terrorism in the world
  • Human trafficking
  • Immigration: Spanish people around the world, French people around the world, etc.
  • Responsible consumption
  • Euthanasia
  • Violence in the media
  • Gender violence
  • Politics: compulsory voting, referendums, Brexit, USA elections, the future of Europe
  • Art: street artists, reasons for graffiti, art exhibitions
  • Ethics in sports
  • Inspirational stories of teenagers: inventors, talented children, etc.
  • Volunteering: make a difference
  • New technologies: impact of new technologies on teenagers, privacy on social media, transformation of language due to new technologies: email, WhatsApp and Twitter, Trending topics on Twitter
  • Laws on environmental issues: plastic bags
  • Subjects and methodology taught in the different schools
  • Role models
  • Dream job interviews
  • When I grow up, I want to be …
  • Future jobs
  • Teenagers’ self image
  • Healthy and fitness: eating disorders, anxiety, depression, beauty tips
  • Cringe: the most embarrassing moment
  • Reviews: new films, new video games, books
  • Family: are teenagers more independent?
  • Education: are schools teaching students for the future?, bullying
  • Creative writing: collaborative story told from different points of view, culture or places
  • Fashion using recycled materials, fashion affecting our environment
  • Animals in sports and entertainment
  • Environment: sustainable development and green cities, climate change and COP21
  • Music: street musicians, committed songs, music festivals
  • Travelling abroad

Listening into Speaking: Overwatch


1. Do you like online games?
2. Do you know what a shooter game, or FPS is?


Task 1. Summarize the video plot in a few words

Task 2. Can you describe Winston?

Task 3. Why is Winston afraid of calling The Overwatch?

Task 4. What is Athena?

Task 5. "Look at the world as it could be" What's the meaning of that sentence?


Task 1. Describe the place where the action takes place

Task 2. What is the history of Overwatch?

Task 3. What are the bad guys looking for?


Task 1. What happened to the little girl?

Task 2. Who is the man at the end?

Task 3. What does the mother think?


Task 1. What was the power of the dragons?
Task 2. What happened to the dragon of the South Wind?
Task 3. Why is the main character sad?
Task 4. Why is the main character surprised at the end?

Summer Verses

Summer is coming, and it's time to say goodbye. In this last project, you will have to create an acrostic poem related to Summer and post it in our padlet here.

Note Taking: history of Backgammon

Listen to the following video about the history of this popular tabletop game.

a) Watch the Video
b) Take notes of all the information you can get
c) Answer the following questions

1. How old is Backgammon?

2. When was it created?

3.  Who played the game?

4. Is backgammon an easy or a difficult game?

5. Is it relevant on the Internet?

Eurovision Listening Jam 2016

Here I post some of the most relevant songs from the Eurovision contest. They are from 2016. What is your favourite one? Click on the titles to perform the listening tasks


Jamala- 1944

Sergei Lazarev -You are the Only One

Michat Spzak - Colour of your Life

Present Passive vs Past Passive

Here is a small exercise to help you distinguish between these two types of passive sentences

Click on the following link to train the passive voice with a song by Bjork

Present perfect Review

Here I post some exercises to help you understand present perfect better

-Here, we review the differences between present perfect and past simple (click on the image)

-Here you have a game to review Have you ever..? (click on the image)

Asking For Directions

In this interesting activity you will review the prepositions of place for the second dialogue. Remember to note down on your notebook those that you don't know

Tell a Tale


The purpose of this project is to create a tale and present it both in written and orally using a digital tool.

The task shall be handed before tuesday the 31st of May


A story told in grous of four. You can use Shakespeare's material or create your own story. The story must include a written narration, a video and a image sequence. You create the video using tellagami and mix it using Viva Video


- Team up with your partners
- Create a story with a proper beginning, body, and end.
- Illustrate your story.
- Each member of the group must record his or her part using a tellagami cut and a illustration.
- Mix the four video excerpts to create a single long video
-Upload the video to youtube
-Paste the link in the following padlet board
-Handle the written version of the tale to your teacher
-Complete the self assessment


- Download the tellagami app. You can find it here for android systems or just search for it on the Apple Store
- You can also use Vivavideo to mix your video parts


Your work shall be assessed using the following rubric

Shakespeare Lives! A review in character


Create a short summary about a character from one of Shakespeare's famous plays.  Take them from the following list:

- Juliet

- Otello

- Macbeth

- Lady Macbeth

- Lear

- Ofelia

- Hamlet

- Brutus

- Iago

- Prospero

- Falfstaff

- Titania

In your summary you should include the following information
- Who is the character?
- Where does he appear?
- What is its role in the plot? is he evil or bad?
- Why is it important in the play?
- Do you like this character? Why?
Be concise. You have 30 seconds to record your answer
- You should handle a handwritten copy of your presentation
- Go to the following page on your tablet or smartphone to download the app tellagami, you will need it for this exercise.

Your task will be assessed using the following chart

Oral Presentation: My Favourite Stuff


The purpose of the following task is to prepare an oral presentation in groups about the topic “My favourite stuff”

Groups can be as small as 2 and as big as 5


Create a Slide Presentation. You can use Prezi, Power Point, or another tool that you see fit.Your presentation must answer to the following questions
- Why do you like this thing?
- How did you get it?
- Why is it special?
- What does it tell about your personality?

Every student must present at least one part of the work.



Students will have the present this taxt the next 22nd of April

Oral Presentation: Non Profit Organizations


The purpose of the following task is to prepare an oral presentation in groups about the topic “Non-Governmental Organizations”

Groups can be as small as 2 and as big as 5


Create a Slide Presentation. You can use Prezi, Power Point, or another tool that you see fit. Each presentation must include, at least, these parts
- Presentation of the Organization
- Historical Background
- Zones of Action
- Present Challenges
- Three questions for your partners

Every student must present at least one part of the work.



Students will have three days to present their work to class: the 26th and the 27th of April. NO PRESENTATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED BEYOND THAT POINT

CLIL Project. Shakespeare and Chemistry


The purpose of this task is to create an oral presentation and poster about Chemistry in Shakespeare. Analyzing some strange curiosities and myths about it

The task will have two final products, an oral presentation and a poster, both of them will be delivered the same day.

Work in groups of 4

Pick one of the topics proposed by the teacher

Look for the information requested and create a poster to expose your idea.

Create an oral presentation (around 5 minutes) Use your poster for it. You can also add some videos or audiovisual content if you want (just in English)

Fill in the Self Assessment form


Topic 1. Love Potions

  • Context: Midsummer Night’s Dream
  • Fiction: what are love potions? What importance does it have in the Play?
  • Fact: It’s possible a love potion? Definitions and properties of the Viola Tricola.

Topic 2. Poison

  • Context: Hamlet
  • Fiction: What type of poison is used? What importance does it have in the play?
  • Fact: The Henbane. Definitions and properties.

Topic 3. Sleeping Draught
  • Context: Romeo and Juliet
  • Fiction: What kind of draught is used? What importance does it have in the play?
  • Fact: The Nightshade and the Monkshood. Definitions and properties

Topic 4. Snakes!
  • Context: Antony and Cleopatra
  • Fiction: What is the function of the snake? What importance does it have in the play?
  • Fact: Snakes. Definition and properties. What are the most dangerous snakes in the world?

Topic 5. Magic
  • Context: Macbeth
  • Fiction: The three witches and the Magic Cauldron. What importance does it have in the play?
  • Fact: Effects of Boiling on matter. Hemlock and Yew. Definition and properties


Use of English
Mistakes make comprehension impossible
Proper use of vocabulary and grammar, with minor mistakes
Excellent use of grammar and vocabulary
Oral Presentation

Students read all the information from the text, or there are severe pronunciation mistakes that make comprehension impossible
There are some pronunciation mistakes or the student reads long passages
proper pronunciation of structures
Visual Presentation
Just text and some minor pictures are used
Text, pictures, drawings, videos and basic handcraft
Specially elaborate handcraft, videos, or activities for the partners are presented

Peer Assessment Sheet
Complete the assessment sheet to get the final point

Mark of Distinction
The Teacher of Natural Sciences will award a Mark of Distinction (Extra Points) to the best presentations in the class.

Basic Resources
Shakespeare lives website

Wednesday, the 20th of April

Shakespeare's Plot Summaries

Here you will find a series of videos that wil help you with the final project of this unit. They are summaries of some of the best Shakespeare's plays


Romeo and Juliet


Second Conditional Sentences Review

Here you have a group of simple resources to review the conditional forms

-Grammar Presentation about the conditional sentences

- Fill in the gaps exercise

- Mix and match

- Listen to the following song and fill in the gaps in your sheet

Vocabulary Extra Practice: Jobs

Expand our knwoledge about jobs and workplaces with this interesting activity

What about your memory for pictures? Try to match as match as you can with this puzzle.

Reported speech Exercises

Here you have a list of interesting resources to work on the reported speech

1. Reported speech game

2. Reporting verbs Speech Quiz

3. Reported Speech Grammar Summary and exercises



In this project you are going to prepare a picture story related to one of the global problems that study on topic 6.


Here you have a quick tutorial about how to do this type of activity

If you have an smartphone, I recommend you to use Draw My Story

This app allows you to draw, insert audio and export the project to a video format.
-Pick one of the global problems that appear in topic 6.
- Create a story to represent this specific problem. You'll have to told this story in English using the voiceover function of the app.
-Your story should be between 1-5 minutes long

The main points for assessment are:
-Use of English: try to use proper English in your voice over video. You will get the lowest grade if you tell your story in broken English
-Pronunciation: Make a special effort to pronounce properly. Go to wordreference to check the pronunciation of words that you don't know.
-Animation: Provide an interesting and dynamic visual presentation to your video

March the 8th, 2016

Reported Speech

here I post a useful presentation about the Reported speech. Enjoy!

CLIL Project. Food Memories from Al Andalus


  • The purpose of this task is to create a presentation for the Subjects of Social Sciences and a instructional video for the subject of English
  • In this video, students prepare a dish of Andalusian origin, and explain, in English, the elaboration process
  • The students will be able to bring their products as part of the celebration for the day of the Autonomous Community


  • Students will work in groups. These groups could be as small as 2 or as big as 4.
  • Students will have to choose ONE of the recipes presented by the teachers. Both the oral presentation and the instructional video will have the chosen recipe as main theme. You can download the recipes HERE
  • The Oral presentation will be performed in the subject of Social Sciences. The video will be uploaded to youtube and embedded into the padlet board created by the teacher
  • Granted permission by the School Administration, students will be allowed to share their preparations.

  • Assessment is divided into English (40%), Social Sciences (40%) and Self Assessment (20%)
  • Asessment criteria and grading scheme for the subject of English will be as follows:

You will also handle this peer assessment sheet the day of the presentation. This will be used to grade yourself and your partners


First Week of March (from 29/2 to 4/3).

Listening Task: Pocket Money

Listen to these students talking about pocket money and answer the questions that pop up in the video



In this project we celebrate St. Valentine's day with the help of our students, and their favourite movies


To celebrate Saint Valentine’s Day this year we will look for your favourite love declaration on screen.

Go to this board, add an image of the film, insert the quote, but don’t say the title of the film. Let’s see how much we know about love films!!! In the chat participate using your name and surname and include the title of the film and why you have chosen your quote. You can also recommend the film.

You can also vote for three of your favourite declarations, including yours if you want. In class we will watch the videos of the most voted scenes


Students that participate in the project and comply with the instructions will be awarded 4 "Extra Work" points"